1. What is the Sky Legend Association?
2. What is the purpose of the Sky Legend Association?
The ASSOCIATION aims to promote the history of aviation through activities, services or actions in order to:
- making in-flight 1: 1 scale replicas of the IAR 80 aircraft or its variants, called IAR 80R;
- making replicas, restoring or maintaining other aircraft representative of aviation history;
- presenting them to the general public, including by participating in aviation rallies in the country and abroad;
3. What are the goals of the Sky Legend Association?
THE ASSOCIATION aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Establishment of a documentation fund containing data and information related to the IAR 80 aircraft or other historical aircraft, such as: construction documentation, manuals, books, drawings, photographs, films, etc .;
- Realization of the execution documentation of the replica plane and of the afferent manufacturing preparation, by design by the members of the association and by collaboration with third parties;
- Realization in collaboration with specialized companies of the IAR 80R aircraft;
- Aircraft registration, operation and participation in in-flight demonstrations;
- Informing the general public in the country and abroad, through specific means on national and universal aeronautical developments, achievements and news;
- Informing and attracting, through various means, the general public to participate in aeronautical events (rallies, air demonstrations, sports competitions with aeronautical specifics, etc.), organized in the country and abroad by various public or private institutions;
- Initiating and maintaining collaborations with representatives of companies, schools, high schools, colleges and higher education institutions, in order to stimulate young people to practice aeronautical professions;
- Supporting museums or aeronautical departments for the identification, collection and donation of specific materials, for the opening of exhibitions;
- Supporting creators in the field of fiction and fine arts to create works of art with topics inspired by aeronautical activities;
- Collaboration with associations, foundations, institutions and bodies from the country and abroad for the exchange of information in aeronautics, knowledge of developments in research, production, manufacturing and flight in the country and in the world;
- Active participation in aeronautical events (aerial rallies, commemorations, unveiling of monuments, knowledge of aviation events and heroes, as well as personalities in the field of aeronautics);
- Promoting the activity of the association and its members in the media;
4. Who are the members of the Sky Legend Association?
Any natural or legal person who submits a written membership, declaring that he agrees with the statutory provisions and other specific regulations and wishes to contribute to the achievement of the proposed goals and objectives and who receives the approval of the membership by the Board of Directors may be a member of the ASSOCIATION.
5. What rights and obligations do the members of the Sky Legend Association have?
The members of the ASSOCIATION have the following rights:
- to participate with deliberate vote in the election of the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
- to elect or be elected in the management or control bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
- to freely express their opinions about the activity or legislation in the field;
- to participate in all activities organized by the ASSOCIATION;
- to represent, by written power of attorney, at most two members in the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION, when they are absent for objective reasons;
- to be represented, by written power of attorney, in the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION, when he is absent for justified reasons;
- to benefit, under the conditions established by the governing bodies, from the projects, programs or activities carried out by the ASSOCIATION;
- to promote programs, respectively to lead or coordinate the programs approved by the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
- be supported in obtaining or maintaining professional rights;
- to represent the ASSOCIATION when appointed by the governing bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
- to be informed about the decisions adopted and the activities promoted and carried out by the ASSOCIATION;
The members of the ASSOCIATION have the following obligations:
- to participate directly or through authorized representatives in writing in the conduct of ordinary or extraordinary general meetings of the members of the ASSOCIATION;
- to participate in fulfilling the objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
- to contribute to the establishment of the movable or immovable property of the ASSOCIATION;
- to comply with the decisions adopted, the governing and control bodies of the ASSOCIATION;
- not to undertake actions or activities that may harm the interests of the ASSOCIATION;
- to pay the fee;
- to recognize and respect the provisions of the Statute of the Association, of the constitutive act and of the decisions taken by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors;
- to contribute to the achievement of the purpose and objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
- to actively participate in the works and activities of the ASSOCIATION, when requested;
- to undertake voluntary activities in order to achieve the objectives of the ASSOCIATION;
- not to violate other obligations arising from the Statute and regulations of the ASSOCIATION;
6. How can I become a member?
Download the membership form here.
You complete it and send it to the Association by email as a scanned document attached.
At contact@iar80.org, or by regular mail.
7. What is a volunteer?
Any person who has the technical, organizational or communication knowledge necessary to carry out the activities to achieve the purpose of the association;
8. How can I become a volunteer?
By a request addressed by email to contact@iar80.ro in which you present what you can do for the project. You will sign a volunteer contract whose model can be found here.
9. How can I sponsor?
A 20% share of the tax owed by legal entities can be directed to a non-profit organization. The money no longer reaches the state, but supports an NGO to financially support its activity. In other words, you can decide what happens to your tax money.
The redirection procedure is simple:
A Sponsorship Agreement will be drawn up. The contract is the basis for redirecting the share of 20% of the profit tax.
You can decide to join us.
Thank you.

10. How can a donation be made?
If you had income from salaries or pensions, if you earned income and / or from independent activities (liberal professions, intellectual property rights, rents) you can redirect to the Sky Legend Association 2% of the tax due.
You can contribute any amount by direct transfer to the Sky Legend Association account.
You can donate objects, materials, documents, etc.
See the Donations section for details.
We thank you,